Monday, August 15, 2011

The meter's running...

Have you ever been mid-photo shoot and think to yourself, "this is such a funny day"?

I have.

First, stop and think about how your life would be if it depended on a meter. What do you do when you know your time is limited? Always try your hardest to put your best foot forward, no matter what.

We all know that most fashion shoots don't go perfectly with rainbows and unicorns at our sides, but some days in this industry can be way more challenging than others. I have to say, it is so impressive & refreshing to see small hurdles occur, and see everyone continuing to work hard, and not letting anything get them down. I am so happy with each talented member of that day's team.

Here's how that day went down. Got stuck in major traffic from an accident, arrived 30 minutes late to the project. Let me be clear, I do not arrive late to jobs.  So, obviously, I was off to a great start.

I got turned away by three "cash only-pay up front" parking lots, and found a meter that only lets you pay for 1 hour at a time. Turns out, three of us had the same situation. Frank [wardrobe designer] and I took turns guarding everyone's gear while Aneisha [photog] and Jenna [model] were shooting at various spots around the Walt Disney Concert Hall.

Keep in mind, each hour, we were also taking turns to run to the meter to put in another $3.

The team survived traffic, parking problems, phone calls from home delivering worry-some news, 90+ degree weather, running out of coins for the meter, getting yelled at for putting our model in a tree, thirst, hunger,parking tickets, and a little more that we won't mention.

This day really allowed me to see these moments in a new light. As it turns out, weird days can turn into awesome days. We put our best foot forward, and delivered success!

Here are some shots from that day:

 I am in love with the photos, the up close photo is of course, my personal favorite.

As I left this shoot, and drove to my next job, I totally got lost and was almost late for a second time in one day. Whew!

You can check out Aneisha at
and Frank at


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